Wednesday, 1 December 2004

Pull yourself up!

I had been on a trek to this place called Shivneri earlier this month. What attracted me was not the fact that it was the birthplace of Chattrapati Shivaji; rather, it was the prospect of dangling on a rope a few hundred feet above the ground and climbing about a hundred feet or so and reaching our destination on all fours that really settled the matter. Of course, to be a bit more honest (and practical), the rope was secured at both ends by mountain-climbing professionals to whom you trust the job of keeping the ropes secured and as a side effect, secure your life. Since I am now sitting at my desktop writing this, you may safely conclude that they did their jobs well!

The climb itself turned out to be a bit of an anti-climax, at least for me, for it seemed to be too easy and was over in a matter of minute!! Not that I was super fit or anything; far from it (weighing in at just a bit over 50 measly kilograms, I dare not call myself fit). It's just that I consider myself very strong (no snickering please!) and would do a lot of things just to prove a point. That's one of my inherent weaknesses. Now, that's a confession.

During one of my earlier treks (to Harishchandragad), another set of professionals promised that we would do some serious rock-climbing (more than 1000 staggering feet!) and now am looking forward to it eagerly.


  1. Anonymous11:13 am

    Posted by Mamta

    That was a good post. It's great to do these "nature treks" heavily consumed with wanderlust these days after reading 3 issues of Outlook Traveller. I want to goooooooooo out there into the mountains!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:11 am

    hey brat,
    u write really well,u have an alternative career to look forward to if all else fails :-)
