Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Lessons from Movies - 3: Iron Man (2008)

This is a really terrific movie that I liked, and so I ended up buying a DVD after watching it a few more times! And in the spirit of the movies chosen for this series, it has quite a few lessons for us.

Lesson 1: A person who's leading an irresponsible life (whether in your opinion or the prevalent public opinion) may not continue to do so all his / her life.

Lesson 2: Genius is not always evil. Benevolent geniuses are always around, doing incredible things for the common good.

Lesson 3: If you have a serious and fundamental disagreement with one of your good friends, then maybe it's time to reevaluate the friendship and part ways before either of you can do the other a lot of damage.

Lesson 4: Anything is possible if you set your mind to it.

Lesson 5: If you realise that you have spent your whole life in pursuit of something that's not worth your time anymore, stop doing it and start doing something else. Just make sure that you don't repeat your mistake.

Lesson 6: Help can sometimes come from unexpected quarters. Be prepared to accept it.

Lesson 7: Comics sell! ;-)

Fun lesson: when you are going to the top, it can get very lonely. And cold ;-)

Iron Man

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