Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Technology in our lives

Technology makes our lives come a full circle, but not the way we might have expected.

We invented gadgets and devices to give us more time for leisure. Then we found more things to do in our leisure which, surprise, resulted in us having less leisure. And then the realisation hit us (thanks to TVs, endless ads and gossip columns about movie stars who have "six-pack" abs) that we are, horror of horrors, not healthy and fit. So what do we do? Go to gyms, and use the ultra-high-tech stuff to become "healthy" or lose weight. There are also people who have "discovered" that doing household chores helps in keeping the surging calory levels in check too; and they trumpet their discoveries to their social peers, thereby proving their humility and social liberal-mindedness. Of course, their parents and forefathers did not know better (and don't you dare tell them otherwise unless you're prepared for a prolonged argument) though they might have been telling us exactly the same thing - that being self-reliant (translate that into "do your work yourself") also keeps you healthy, besides giving you a sense of satisfaction. There, I digress as usual.

This new-found health in turn makes us feel better, and so we feel we have earned the right to indulge a little. Just a little. In no time at all, the little turns into "a little more", and then, before we know it, we're back where we started - we have no time.

Technology makes our lives come a full circle, but not the way we might have expected.


  1. Beautiful little post! I totally agree, and I like it too. :-)

  2. Anonymous4:32 am

    im not sure if this little box will hold enough characters for what i wish to say , i agree comnpletly with what you have to say , after reading some of yoru comments it seems as though you are on a path to self realisation and ones own personal destiny, however mostly they seem to be things that you are subjecting yourself to , we live in a society liek the one you just described of losing natures path, you can choose where you are and what you do, you subject yoruself to this so does evryone, myself included , we can leave , we can be governed by ourselfs and judged only by our selfs, we gain no benifits of society andtechonolgy or the gaining sof this world, but you have teh choice be yourself or be part of a group ,, think free , as for teh eternal truths you spoek of , as in good bad , its all there , search , every htought is connected and every web spun as a whole, once knowing the answers you begin to see there is not an answer , the point ios to fufill your destiny of using your own thoughts not medias,societys , GROUP THINK , be free , think free , peace and love

  3. Thanks for your kind comments, esoteric. I believe we are all moving towards self-realisation, some more consciously than others. Am I among the more conscious? Only time can tell, but for now, I'd like to believe so.

    Trying to rid oneself of superimposed thought patterns is as difficult as, if not more than, trying to unlearn something that you've believed to be true for years.
